Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Born Again

I believe that one is converted when first one hears the low, vast murmur of life, of human life, troubling one's hitherto unconscious self. I believe one is born first unto oneself for the happy developing of oneself, while the world is a nursery, and the pretty things are to be snatched for, and the pleasant things tasted; some people seem to exist thus right to the end. But most are born again upon entering maturity; then they are born to humanity, to a consciousness of all the laughing, and the never-ceasing murmur of pain and sorrow that comes from the terrible multitude of brothers [and sisters]. Then, it appears to me, one gradually formulates one's religion, be it what it may. A person has no religion who has not slowly and painfully gathered one together, adding to it, shaping it; and one's religion is never complete and final, it seems, but must always be undergoing modification.

D.H. Lawrence (died March 2, 1930)

The Fellowship of Human Love

The fellowship of human love, in its very might and beauty, looks above itself for
its own completeness and interpretation. Not till, hand in hand with those we love, we have bowed our hearts before the Love that is above us; not till our half-discordant wills have found their harmony in a Will that is above them all; not till we have seen behind all beauty of form, and sound, and human soul, the beauty of the Soul of souls; … not till, with growing knowledge and with deepening love, we have felt ourselves drawing into ever closer communion with God, … not till then do we know what it is for which we live and work and are ready to die, not till then have we a gospel, not till then shall we be fired with a love and supported by a faith to which all things are possible, not till then shall we know why we are here and what we have to do.

Philip H. Wicksteed (1844-1927)

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