Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This then is politics.  That part of our duty which teaches us to study the welfare of our whole country, and not to rest satisfied tho’ our own household is well off when our neighbours are in difficulty and danger.  The honest politician is he who gives all he can and means to promote the public good, whose charity begins at home but does not end there.  The man who says he is no politician is either ignorant of what he is saying, or a contemptible selfish creature, unworthy of the country or community of which he is a part.

William Lyon Mackenzie (born March 12, 1795)

Human Faces at Their Best

A face where sin has ploughed its gullies deep is a glimpse of the uncovered hell. Woe unto them who have had aught to do, by parentage or by example, with the driving of that plough! Is it not also plain why no sunrise, mountain-top or June of blossom is so beautiful, and so inspiring by its beauty, as human faces at their best? The intelligence, morality, ideals, of the generations, augmented by the aspirations and endeavours of another thirty years, are focused in this face that thrills us with delight. A smile is the subtlest form of beauty in all the visible creation, and heaven breaks on the earth in the smiles of certain faces.

William Channing Gannett (1840-1923)

The Religious Life

In itself, the Religious Life is not so much truth, or so much idea, or even so much goodness; it is the right direction, strain, aim, of the very life of the soul, which produces harmonious action, goodness, character, as result and fruit; and in whatsoever nation, and at whatsoever time, men fear God and work righteousness, they are accepted of Him. The souls of men answer to many impulses, and find arousing prophetic voices in many things. God’s ‘wind bloweth where it listeth;’ ‘so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.’ Whoever and whatever so moves the soul as to waken it to divine ambition, and a beautiful, hopeful ideal that kindles the emotions, energizes the will, cleanses and consecrates the life, does all that is necessary, not to introduce the Religious Life into the soul, but to bring it to birth there, under the influence of the ever-brooding Spirit of God.

Thomas Wesley Freckleton (1827-1903)

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