The Tide Went Out
Seldom except in books
do the dying utter memorable words, see visions, or depart
with beatified countenances, and those who have sped many parting souls know
that to most the end comes as naturally and
simply as sleep. As Beth had hoped, the
‘tide went out easily’, and in the dark hour
before dawn, on the bosom where she had
drawn her first breath, she quietly drew
her last, with no farewell but one loving look, one little sigh.
With tears and prayers
and tender hands, Mother and sisters made her ready for the long sleep that
pain would never mar again, seeing with grateful eyes the beautiful serenity that
soon replaced the pathetic patience that
had wrung their hearts so long, and feeling
with reverent joy that to their darling death was a benignant angel, not a phantom full of dread.
When morning came, for
the first time in many months the
fire was out, Jo’s place was empty, and the room
was very still. But a bird sang blithely on a budding bough, close by,
the snowdrops blossomed freshly at the
window, and the spring sunshine streamed in
like a benediction over the placid face upon the pillow, a face so full of painless peace that those who loved it
best smiled through their tears, and
thanked God that Beth was well at last.
Louisa May
Alcott (died March 6, 1888)
From Little Women, chapter 40: “The Valley of the Shadow” (1868)
Living Monuments
Two hundred and fifty years ago* a few devout men founded
this church. How much greater are they now than they were in life! Time the
purifier has burned away what was particular to them, and has left only the
type of courage, constancy, devotion—the august figure of the Puritan.
Perhaps the type of the Puritan must pass away. But the founders
of this church are commemorated, not in bronze or alabaster, but in living
monuments. These men and their fellows planted a congregational church, from
which grew a democratic state. They planted something even mightier than
institutions. Whether they knew it or not, they planted the democratic spirit
in the heart of man. It is to them we owe the deepest cause we have to love in
our country—that instinct, that spark, that makes the American unable to meet
his fellowmen otherwise than simply as a man, eye to eye, hand to hand. When
our citizens forget that they tread a sacred soil, that this land has its
traditions which grow more venerable and inspiring as they fade; when this
church is no longer dedicated to truth and America to democratic freedom; then,
but not until then, will the blood of the martyrs be swallowed in the sand and
the Puritan have lived in vain.
Wendell Holmes, Jr. (died March 6, 1935)
* From an 1886 address at the First Parish in Cambridge,
on the occasion of its 250th anniversary.
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Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) |
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